Re: udp packet storms

Marc Wilkinson (
Mon, 31 Oct 1994 08:28:52 GMT

|> From Sun Oct 30 19:10:47 1994
|> Date: Sun, 30 Oct 1994 04:07:27 -0800 (PST)
|> From: Charles Howes <>
|> To: Pat Myrto <rwing!>
|> cc: Tim Newsham <>,
|> Subject: Re: udp packet storms
|> MIME-Version: 1.0
|> On Sat, 29 Oct 1994, Pat Myrto wrote:
|> <snip>
|> > That's interesting - it amounts to a feedback loop (in electrical
|> > or audio terminology).  Is there a way to interrupt this sort of
|> > thing (short of killing inetd or the involved daemon) or rebooting (a
|> > drastic method of doing the same thing)?
|> > 
|> > How would one prevent this without disabling the udp services?
|> Hmm; I wonder if it's possible to tell tcpd to rate-limit a particular
|> service?

At One point IRIX, the SGi version of SYS Vr3, would shutdown the network
traffic for a period of time, if it the number of errors or packets received
in a time period was excessive.... thus stopping the SG becoming part of
a network storm.

Don't know of anything else that does allow rate limiting.

Marc  			          ? \!/ ?
                                   (o o)
Marc Wilkinson                      ._             BIAS Consultants Ltd.
+44 705 595276                      o<o      
Network Systems Consultant                           Dorking, England